Zmiany pomiędzy wersją 1 and wersją 2 dla DeployerGuide/OracleFdw
- Data i czas:
- 07/29/15 11:41:09 (9 years temu)
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v1 v2 4 4 {{{ 5 5 CREATE extension oracle_fdw; 6 CREATE SERVER egeria FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER oracle_fdw OPTIONS (dbserver '//10.0.0. 251/PROD');6 CREATE SERVER egeria FOREIGN DATA WRAPPER oracle_fdw OPTIONS (dbserver '//'); 7 7 GRANT USAGE ON FOREIGN SERVER egeria TO http; 8 CREATE USER MAPPING FOR postgres SERVER egeria OPTIONS( user ' zre', password '*****');9 CREATE USER MAPPING FOR http SERVER egeria OPTIONS( user ' zre', password '*****');8 CREATE USER MAPPING FOR postgres SERVER egeria OPTIONS( user 'admin', password '*****'); 9 CREATE USER MAPPING FOR http SERVER egeria OPTIONS( user 'admin', password '*****'); 10 10 }}} 11 11