Zmiany pomiędzy wersją 26 and wersją 27 dla DeployerGuide/Customization/ColumnInjection
- Data i czas:
- 08/19/15 16:13:33 (9 years temu)
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v26 v27 246 246 <VatCostsList> 247 247 <cecha_2> 248 <name>Cecha 1</name> 249 <sql>SELECT 1</sql> 248 <name>Cecha kosztu</name> 249 <sql>SELECT data__ FROM 250 vatnote_costs vc 251 INNER JOIN features_text_view ftv ON ftv.tbl_id = vc.vtcoid AND ftv.featid = 12 252 WHERE vc.vtcoid = vatnote_costs_view.vtcoid</sql> 250 253 <css>width:100px;</css> 251 254 <tooltip />