Zmiany pomiędzy wersją 23 and wersją 24 dla DeployerGuide/AdvancedConfiguration/CustomRegisters
- Data i czas:
- 12/04/14 12:24:19 (10 years temu)
- Bez zmian
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v23 v24 214 214 215 215 {"sql":"SELECT devcid, name__ || ' - ' || COALESCE(sernum) AS device FROM cregisters.creg_devices WHERE {FILTER_STRING}","sql_filter":"sernum ~* E'^{SEARCH_TEXT}' OR name__ ~* E'^{SEARCH_TEXT}'","valueField":"devcid","labelField":"device"} 216 217 {"sql":"SELECT contid, COALESCE(name_2, name_1) || ' ' || f_addr AS caption FROM contacts_view WHERE is_del IS FALSE AND {FILTER_STRING} ORDER BY caption","sql_filter":"name_1 ~* E'^{SEARCH_TEXT}' OR name_2 ~* E'^{SEARCH_TEXT}'","valueField":"contid","labelField":"caption"} 218 216 219 }}} 217 220 Znacznik {SEARCH_TEXT} zostanie zastąpiony wpisanym w pole tekstem[[BR]]